Starting from 2007 UnionSoft Technologies abandons the use of protection based on hardware keys in favour of StarForce Company and begins implementing a StarForce solution to protect business applications against illegal copying – SF Corporative.
UnionSoft Technologies is one of the leader developers of corporative information systems and specializes in providing turnkey solutions and custom systems to automate financial and economic and production activity, accounting and various enterprise management. At the same time other companies that work in the same area continue using a hardware key system.
Alexander S. Lukianyuk, General Manager of UST, member of board of director of the UST group of companies, explains the reasons for such a decision:
"First of all the increased sales volume requires another approach to product protection. Generating hardware keys and transferring them to a client require more time and attention, which is a great disadvantage considering the current amount of deals.
Besides, the presence of typical turnkey solutions allows distributing a product via the Internet without the use of tangible media. StarForce developments suit this method best. Thus we can significantly reduce time when working with remote regions.
The fact that StarForce is well-known and acknowledged developer of electronic protection systems with a good reputation is also of considerable importance. The marketing value of such cooperation should not be underestimated.
This decision-making depended directly on our confidence in reliability of StarForce. We have long-term plans and count on the partnership to last for long. In this case the confidence in partner should be not less than self-confidence, otherwise fruitful cooperation is impossible.
But if nobody in this field has used such a system till this moment – well, somebody will be the first."
From the beginning of 2007 UnionSoft Technologies began successful implementation of StarForce solutions into the newest version of its Lissandra ITM 7.0 product.
UnionSoft Technologies