Changes in products made during the first half of 2019
We have improved protection of video files on the StarForce Content website. Now you can additionally protect videos with watermarks. In this case, protection is performed similarly to protection of documents in PDF format, but instead of page selection you can choose at what time a watermark will be shown: permanently or at specific intervals.
Besides, restrictions for the types of files that StarForce Player does not support are improved. It’s not possible now to add graphic formats that the player does not support.
Protection is improved for StarForce Reader: now when binding a file to a USB drive, protection against printing is supported for PDF documents that a user views through the protected reader.
In user manual for Protection Studio, we added information about media files (requirements, supported formats, file size). The appearance of the manual is also changed; the font is replaced by a more readable one.
In the documentation, the information on the license administration service is updated.
The new version of StarForce C++ Obfuscator supports C++98, С++ 03, С++ 11, С++ 14, and С++ 17 standards. It allows protecting programs developed with new standards.
The procedure of obfuscation is simplified thanks to improved compatibility with different C++ standards. Now there is no need to change a project to use STL port before obfuscation in case you implement STL libraries. You can process programs with obfuscator in the form they written.
Changes in the Softcontrol product line in 2019
Main changes of the SoftControl system components:
- File checksums for profile inclusion and exclusion can be configured in settings.
- Now activity control rules can be set for groups of users.
- Named groups of rules have been moved to the database. They are stored separately from the settings, and all operations with named groups of rules are now performed through the database.
Built-in security principals (e.g., Local Service, Network Service) can be selected in advanced settings for activity control rules.
We have changed display of activity control rules: a space character at the end of an existing rule is shown as a dot. It helps to avoid errors caused by an accidentally typed space at the end of a string (in the SoftControl Admin Console and SoftControl SysWatch interface).
More details have been added to notifications received from the server: client GUID, event ID, time value with seconds. When SoftControl SysWatch receives settings from the server and logs them, the name of settings is recorded along with other information.
Minor bugs have been fixed in the graphic interface of SoftControl Admin Console.
About StarForce Technologies
StarForce Technologies ( is a leading vendor of information protection, copy protection and code obfuscation solutions for software, electronic content and audio/video files. Since 2000, StarForce has been successfully developing and implementing its state-of-the-art security solutions, providing copyright and intellectual property protection worldwide. Two of these solutions were transformed into StarForce cloud services: protects e-Documents against illegal copying and distribution and secures emails.
StarForce is a reliable and responsible Technological Partner for enterprises potentially incurring losses due to cyber-gangs, hackers, software piracy, unauthorized data access and information leaks. StarForce’s customers are Russian Railways, Corel, 1C,, Aeroflot, SUN InBev Russia, AMD Labs, ATC International, MediaHouse, Russobit M, New Disc, Buka, Snowball, 2Play, GFI, CENEGA, Akella, etc.
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