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Zoo Digital Publishing and StarForce to Cooperate on a New Title


StarForce has announced another contract with ZOO Digital Publishing, one of the leading UK’s technology and games publishing companies, for protection of its new game title released on DVD.

Within the past few years the two companies have completed several successful projects, including protection of I-Ninja and The Suffering released last year. The new subject of collaboration is protection of ‘Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy’, the acclaimed console hit-title from MIDWAY which is distributed in Europe by ZOO Digital.

“We are absolutely satisfied with their technology, ” says Patrick Armstrong from ZOO Digital Publishing. “StarForce possesses huge experience in the anti-piracy field, and they definitely know how to make the protection implementation smooth and uncomplicated.”

Psi-Ops The Mindgate Conspiracy was released three weeks ago in Europe and is distributed on protected DVDs. The secured discs feature the latest StarForce’s ‘ISO protection’ technology to prevent game cracking, illegal distribution and license overuse.

According to Olivier Duran, StarForce’s Regional Manager in Europe, who coordinated the protection process, the set of protection parameters and techniques chosen to protect the title should provide a high level of code protection with a compatibility guarantee close to 100 per cent.

About StarForce Technologies

StarForce Technologies (www.star-force.com) is a leading vendor of information protection, copy protection and code obfuscation solutions for software, electronic content and audio/video files. Since 2000, StarForce has been successfully developing and implementing its state-of-the-art security solutions, providing copyright and intellectual property protection worldwide. Two of these solutions were transformed into StarForce cloud services: sfcontent.com protects e-Documents against illegal copying and distribution and sfletter.com secures emails.

StarForce is a reliable and responsible Technological Partner for enterprises potentially incurring losses due to cyber-gangs, hackers, software piracy, unauthorized data access and information leaks. StarForce’s customers are Russian Railways, Corel, 1C, Mail.ru, Aeroflot, SUN InBev Russia, AMD Labs, ATC International, MediaHouse, Russobit M, New Disc, Buka, Snowball, 2Play, GFI, CENEGA, Akella, etc.

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